Damiir Xumo!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Short History of Somalia

Early history traces the development of the Somali people to an Arab sultanate, which was founded in the seventh century A.D. by Koreishite immigrants from Yemen. During the 15th and 16th centuries, Portuguese traders landed in present Somali territory and ruled several coastal towns. The sultan of Oman and Zanzibar subsequently took control of these towns and their surrounding territory.

Somalia's modern history began in the late l9th century, when various European powers began to trade and establish themselves in the area. The British East India Company's desire for unrestricted harbor facilities led to the conclusion of treaties with the sultan of Tajura as early as 1840. It was not until 1886, however, that the British gained control over northern Somalia through treaties with various Somali chiefs who were guaranteed British protection. British objectives centered on safeguarding trade links to the east and securing local sources of food and provisions for its coaling station in Aden. The boundary between Ethiopia and British Somaliland was established in 1897 through treaty negotiations between British negotiators and King Menelik.

During the first two decades of this century, British rule was challenged through persistent attacks led by Mohamed Abdullah. A long series of intermittent engagements and truces ended in 1920 when British warplanes bombed Abdullah's stronghold at Taleex. Although Abdullah was defeated as much by rival Somali factions as by British forces, he was lauded as a popular hero and stands as a major figure of national identity to some Somalis.

In 1885, Italy obtained commercial advantages in the area from the sultan of Zanzibar and in 1889 concluded agreements with the sultans of Obbia and Aluula, who placed their territories under Italy's protection. Between 1897 and 1908, Italy made agreements with the Ethiopians and the British that marked out the boundaries of Italian Somaliland. The Italian Government assumed direct administration, giving the territory colonial status.

Italian occupation gradually extended inland. In 1924, the Jubaland Province of Kenya, including the town and port of Kismayo, was ceded to Italy by the United Kingdom. The subjugation and occupation of the independent sultanates of Obbia and Mijertein, begun in 1925, were completed in 1927. In the late 1920s, Italian and Somali influence expanded into the Ogaden region of eastern Ethiopia. Continuing incursions climaxed in 1935 when Italian forces launched an offensive that led to the capture of Addis Ababa and the Italian annexation of Ethiopia in 1936.

Following Italy's declaration of war on the United Kingdom in June 1940, Italian troops overran British Somaliland and drove out the British garrison. In 1941, British forces began operations against the Italian East African Empire and quickly brought the greater part of Italian Somaliland under British control. From 1941 to 1950, while Somalia was under British military administration, transition toward self-government was begun through the establishment of local courts, planning committees, and the Protectorate Advisory Council. In 1948 Britain turned the Ogaden and neighboring Somali territories over to Ethiopia.

From 1982 to 1990 the United States viewed Somalia as a partner in defense. Somali officers of the National Armed Forces were trained in U.S. military schools in civilian as well as military subjects. Within Somalia, Siad Barre's regime confronted insurgencies in the northeast and northwest, whose aim was to overthrow his government. By 1988, Siad Barre was openly at war with sectors of his nation. At the President's order, aircraft from the Somali National Air Force bombed the cities in the northwest province, attacking civilian as well as insurgent targets. The warfare in the northwest sped up the decay already evident elsewhere in the republic. Economic crisis, brought on by the cost of anti-insurgency activities, caused further hardship as Siad Barre and his cronies looted the national treasury.

By 1990, the insurgency in the northwest was largely successful. The army dissolved into competing armed groups loyal to former commanders or to clan-tribal leaders. The economy was in shambles, and hundreds of thousands of Somalis fled their homes. In 1991, Siad Barre and forces loyal to him fled the capital; he later died in exile in Nigeria. In the same year, Somaliland declared itself independent of the rest of Somalia, with its capital in Hargeisa. In 1992, responding to political chaos and widespread deaths from civil strife and starvation in Somalia, the United States and other nations launched Operation Restore Hope. Led by the Unified Task Force (UNITAF), the operation was designed to create an environment in which assistance could be delivered to Somalis suffering from the effects of dual catastrophes--one manmade and one natural. UNITAF was followed by the United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM). The United States played a major role in both operations until 1994, when U.S. forces withdrew.

The prevailing chaos in much of Somalia after 1991 contributed to growing influence by various Islamic groups, including al-Tabliq, al-Islah (supported by Saudi Arabia), and Al-Ittihad Al-Islami (Islamic Unity). These groups, which are among the main non-clan-based forces in Somalia, share the goal of establishing an Islamic state. They differ in their approach; in particular, Al-Ittihad supports the use of violence to achieve that goal and has claimed responsibility for terrorist acts. In the mid-1990s, Al-Ittihad came to dominate territory in Puntland as well as central Somalia near Gedo. It was forcibly expelled from these localities by Puntland forces as well as Ethiopian attacks in the Gedo region. Since that time, Al-Ittihad has adopted a longer term strategy based on integration into local communities and establishment of Islamic schools, courts, and relief centers.

After the attack on the United States of September 11, 2001, Somalia gained greater international attention as a possible base for terrorism--a concern that became the primary element in U.S. policy toward Somalia. The United States and other members of the anti-terrorism coalition examined a variety of short- and long-term measures designed to cope with the threat of terrorism in and emanating from Somalia. Economic sanctions were applied to Al-Ittihad and to the Al-Barakaat group of companies, based in Dubai, which conducted currency exchanges and remittances transfers in Somalia. The United Nations also took an increased interest in Somalia, including proposals for an increased UN presence and for strengthening a 1992 arms embargo.All in all The histroy of somali is not Counted here or Writing

N.B:Waxad Hoos Kadawan Kartaa Qaar makid ah Muuqaladii Ciidamadii Xoga dalka somaliyeed Barisamaadkii 1988, Dowladii Madaxweynihii Hore ee maxamed Siyad bare, Allaha Unaxariistee...

Dawasho Wanaagsan Dhamaan Inta wadaniyiinta ah.

Somali National Army Parade 70&80s

Tiknikadii Ciidamadii :Xooga dalka Somalia

Monday, September 28, 2009

Swine flu prevention: tissues, catching germs, vaccination and masks

According to the NHS website , you can protect yourself and your family from swine flu by

  • ensuring everyone washes their hands regularly with soap and water

  • cleaning surfaces regularly

You can prevent a virus spreading to others by:

  • always carrying tissues
  • using tissues to cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze
  • binning the tissues as soon as possible
  • washing your hands regularly

CATCH IT. BIN IT. KILL IT. is a simple way to remember this.

You can also prepare now and in the build-up to a pandemic by:

  • Confirming a network of ‘flu friends’ – friends and relatives – who could help you if you fall ill. They could collect medicines and other supplies for you so you do not have to leave home and possibly spread the virus.
  • Knowing your NHS number and those of other family members and keeping them in a safe place. You will be able to find your NHS Number on your medical card or other items such as prescribed medication, GP letter or hospital appointment card/letter.
  • Having a stock of food and other supplies available at home that will last for two weeks, in case you and your family are ill.


The Health Protection Agency (HPA) recommends that healthcare workers should wear a facemask if they come into close contact with a person with symptoms (within one metre) to reduce their risk of catching the virus from patients.

However, the HPA does not recommend that healthy people wear facemasks to go about their everyday business.

Why shouldn't the general public wear facemasks?

Because there’s no conclusive evidence that facemasks will protect healthy people in their day-to-day lives.

The virus is spread by picking up the virus from touching infected surfaces, or by someone coughing or sneezing at very close range – so unless you are standing close to someone with the virus, wearing a facemask will not make a difference.

There are concer

ns about the risks posed by not using facemasks correctly.

Facemasks must be changed regularly as they are less effective when dampened by a person’s breath. People may infect themselves if they touch the outer surface of their mask, or may infect others by not disposing of old masks safely.

Finally, wearing a facemask may encourage complacency. People need to focus on good hand hygiene, staying at home if they are feeling unwell, and covering their mouth when they cough or sneeze.


A vaccine to prote

ct against swine flu is being developed, but it is not available yet.

The first batches of vaccine are expected to arrive in the autumn, and 30 million double doses – enough for half the population – are expected to be available by the end of the year.

The government has ordered enough vaccine for the whole population and, when it becomes available, will focus on those at the greatest risk first

look at more information this link..


Arranged by moha Hussien

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ciid Wanagsan Dhamaan Umada Somaliyeed.

Ciid Wanaagsan Dhamaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed meel Walbo ay Joogaan iyo Waliba Dhamaan Muslimiinta oo Dhan.
Waxan Ilaah Kabaryeynaa in Uu naga Aqbalo Sonkii aan soo sonay Iyo cibadii Intii Lagu guda jirey Busha barakeysan Ee ramadan, waxan Sidoo kale ilaah uga baryeynaa in Umada Somaliyeed Uu ka dulqado Dhinka Heysto Uguna badalo Nabad iyo Barwaaqo, Insha Allah

Hallaan ka dhagayso Heesta Cidda

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


asc wr wb walaalayaal hadii ay idin soo gaadho war qadan isku daya in aad dhaqan galisaan waxa ay xanbaarsantahay ee ah isku baraarujinta habeenka fadliga badan ee ay inaga xigto tobankaa habeen ee uu ku dhexjiro sadex habeen inshaa alaahu waan liibaanaynaaye 7_09_2009 muxaadarooyinki hore waxay ku jiraan bogan ee walaal halkan riixhttp://sites.google.com/site/xudayfi5/

Laylatul qadri iyo fadliga ay ledahay

ale waxaa uu leyahay fiisuurati al qadri
waaxan soodajinay quraanka habeenka laylatul qadiriga dhexdiisa;; habeenkaasina waa habeen ka fadli badan kun bilood ;; habeenkaas waxaa soo dagaysa malaa_igta iyo malaku jibriil waxayna kusoo dagayaan idin alle iyo arinkasta oo la xukmiyay( waxwalba oo uu alle qadaray ) habeenkasi waa nabad galyo ilaa uu ka baryayo waagu ( kasoo baxayso qoraxdu)
hadaba maxuu samayn jiray rasuulku scw tobanka danbe ee ramadaanka?
1-waxaa u ahaa rasuulku scw marka uu soo galo tobanka danbe e ramadaan mid guntiga adkaysta habeenkana noleya(sojeda)dadkiisa(xaasaskiisana) toosiya(kiciya) si ay u cibaadeeystaan (متفق عتيه)
2-waxaa uu yiri rasuulku scw qofkii kaca (salaad ukaca)habeenka laylatu qadriga asago rumaysan in uu helaayo ajir ajirna xisaabsanaya waxaa loodhafa danbigiisii hor (waa wixii danbi yar ah ee uu galo oo dhan amaa kan wayn wuxu u baahan yahay toobokoon sida ku cad axaadiis kale oo laga waryay rasuulks scw)
3-waxaa uu dhahay rasuulku scw ka raadiya laylatu qadriga tirada is dheer ee tobanka danbe ee ramadanka (21,23,25,27,29)(waxa wariyay bukhari)
4-caa,isha ayaa waxay ku tiri rasuulka scw hadii aan la kulmo laylatu qadriga maxaan ku ducaystaa waxaa uu ku dhahay rasuulku scw dheh (allaahuma inaka cafuwun tuxibul cafwa facfu canii) saxiix ( rawahu tirmidi)

Hadaba suuradas iyo axaadiistaas maxanu ka fa
idaysanayna oo la nooga baahan yahay in aan samayno

1- habeenkaas hadii alle ku waa fajiyo waxaad helaysaa ajir aada hesheen 83sano sababto ah kunka bilood ee uu alle ku sheegay suurada marki la xisaabiyo waxay u dhigmaan 83sano
2- hadii ay ku dhaafto waxaad tahay qof khasaaray halisna waxaad u tahay in aad kamid noqotid kuwii uu habaaray malaku jibril ee uu dhahay alle naarta haku fogeeyo qof uu udhashay ramadaan hadana uu ka dhamaaday asagoo loo danbi dhaafin rasuulkuna scw waxaa uu gadaashiisa dhahay amiin
3-tobanka danbe waa tobanka uu alle ka xoreeyo naarta adoomadiisa fiifiican marka hadaad ku dadaashid tobankaas waxaad ka mid noqon kuwa naarta laga xoreeyay
4- waa habeen barakaysan oo alle uu soo dajiyay quraanka waana habeenka arinkasta oo alle uu xukumay la kala saaraayo sida qofkii la qadaray in u dhinto sanadkaas dhexdiisa la xukumo waqtiga u dhimanaayo kii dhalan lahaana la qoro
5 waxaa u ahaan jiray rasuulku scw mid ku dadaala in uu tobankaas habeen ku soo jeedo cibaado iyo salaad iyo duco isago aan ognahay in ladhaafaay danbigiisii hore iyo kiisii danbe waxaana uu ku dhahay caa,isho miyaana noqonaynin adoon ku mahadiya rabigiis marka inaga oo ka samaysan danbi maxaa uu noqon xaalkeenu sow in aan dadaalno ma ahan
6- hadii alle ku waa fajiyo habeenkaas waxaad noqon qof la dhaafay danbigiisii hore o dhan (danbiga yar ayaa laga wada )amaa kanwayn waxaa uu ubaahan yahay towbo

side ayaan ku haleeli karaa habeenkaas
1- waa in aad isku daydid in aad tobankaas habeen oo dhan habeena ku dhaafin o aad ka tagtid hordo o dhan hadii kale ma halelaysid ajirkaas wayn ina seexo ina tuko
2- hana isku dayin in aad alle khiyaantid oo habeenada is dhafka ah kaliya aad tugatid sababto ah kheyru khalqilahigiiba(rasuulka scw) waligiis ma uusan isku dayin xeeladaas mana ogid habeenka ay noqon marka kuli wada tuko
3- hana ku kadsoomin (haku sirmin hadalka) culumada qarkooda iftoonayaan in uu yahay habeenkaasi habeenka 27 ama 25 kaliya waana dhaqan laga yaqaano shaam o dhan
wax axadiis ah oo ku yimid(ku soo arooray) ma jiro axaadista saxiixa ahi waxaysheegi in tiro is dheer uu kujiro habeenkaasi iyo tobanka danbe

hadii an haleelo(helo) habeenkaas side ayaan u cibaadaysan karaa
1 aamin(rumeyso) in uu yahay hadalka rasuulku mid sax ah oo fadligaas ay leedahay cibaadadaduna hanoqoto mid alle dartiis loola jeedo
2. isku day in aad tukatid salaatu leyl kolna aad aqrisid quraan badan
3- iyo in aad ku ducaysatid ducadii uu rasuulku u sheegay caa,isho ee aan kor kusoo qoray
4- in aad aqrinta quraanka badisid
5- kana dherow kaftanka iyo wixii danbi keenaya oo dhan
6- hana u malayn in uu yahay qasadku(ula jeedadu) salaad basa oo hadaadan tukanin aadan helaynin ajirka ee marna tuko markad daashid u fariiso quraan marna ducayso ilaa uu waagu ka baryayo

sidee habeenkaas lagu garankaraa

waxaa lagu gartaa habeenkaas waa habeen dagan lamana maqlaayo cida (qaylada) dameerka iyo ayga oo dameeraha iyo ayda oo dhami way aa musayaan cirkuna waxaa uu noqon safi (daruur la,aan) subaxdiina jawigu waxaa uu u ekaan sidi roob in uu da,ay
hadba walaal waxaan kaa codsanayaa in aadan halmaanin in aad u ducayso dalkena somaliya e ku jira gumaysiga in alle ka saaro iyo in muslimiinta alle ka dhigo kor quluubtodana isku soo duwo cizigii muslimiinta alle soo celiyo waa walaal kaa o muslim ah walaal wixii talo iyo fikir ah halkan iigu soo hagaaji xudayfi5@hotmail.com asc wr wb



Posted By: mohamed Hussien

Friday, September 11, 2009

World's oldest person dies in Los Angeles at 115

LOS ANGELES – Although she liked her bacon crispy and her chicken fried, she never drank, smoked or fooled around, Gertrude Baines once said, describing a life that lasted an astonishing 115 years and earned her the title of oldest person on the planet.

It was a title Baines quietly relinquished Friday when she died in her sleep at Western Convalescent Hospital, her home since she gave up living alone at age 107 after breaking a hip.

She likely suffered a heart attack, said her longtime physician, Dr. Charles Witt, although an autopsy was scheduled to determine the exact cause of death.

"I saw her two days ago, and she was just doing fine," Witt told The Associated Press on Friday. "She was in excellent shape. She was mentally alert. She smiled frequently."

Baines was born in Shellman, Ga., on April 6, 1894, when Grover Cleveland was in the White House, radio communication was just being developed and television was still more than a half-century from becoming a ubiquitous household presence.

She was 4 years old when the Spanish-American War broke out and 9 when the first World Series was played. She had already reached middle age by the time the U.S. entered World War II in 1941.

Throughout it all, Baines said last year, it was a life she thoroughly enjoyed.

"I'm glad I'm here. I don't care if I live a hundred more," she said with a hearty laugh after casting her vote for Barack Obama for president. "I enjoy nothing but eating and sleeping."

Her vote for Obama, she added, had helped fulfill a lifelong dream of seeing a black man elected president.

"We all the same, only our skin is dark and theirs is white," said Baines, who was black.

The centenarian, who worked as a maid at Ohio State University dormitories until her retirement, had outlived all of her family members. Her only daughter died of typhoid at age 18.

In her final years, she passed her days watching her favorite TV program, "The Jerry Springer Show," and consuming her favorite foods: bacon, fried chicken and ice cream. She complained often, however, that the bacon served to her was too soft.

"Two days ago, when I saw her, she was talking about the fact that the bacon wasn't crisp enough, that it was soggy," Witt said.

She became the world's oldest person in January when Maria de Jesus died in Portugal at 115.

The title brought with it a spotlight of attention, and Baines was asked frequently about the secret to a long life. She shrugged off such questions, telling people to ask God instead.

"She told me that she owes her longevity to the Lord, that she never did drink, she never did smoke and she never did fool around," Witt said at a party marking her 115th birthday.

At the party, Baines sat quietly, paying little attention as nursing home staffers and residents sang "Happy Birthday" and presented congratulatory notices from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and others. But she laughed when told the Los Angeles Dodgers had given her a cooler filled with hot dogs.

With Baines' death, 114-year-old Kama Chinen of Japan becomes the world's oldest person, said Dr. L. Stephen Coles of the Gerontology Research Group, which tracks claims of extreme old age. Chinen was born May 10, 1895.

The oldest person who ever lived, Coles said, was Jeanne-Louise Calment, who was 122 when she died Aug. 4, 1997, in Arles, France.


Associated Press.(AP)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ciyaaraha Bisha Ramadan ee Magalada Karachi.

Waxa tariiqdu markey aheyd 5-ta bishan Ramadan si rasmi ah uga bilowday magalada karachi ee dalka pakistan ciyaaro lagu mamusaya bisha ramadan, ciyarahaan ayaa waxa soo qaban qabiyey ama soo abaabuley ardeyda

somaliyed ee wax kabarata jamacadaha kala duwan ee magaladan karachi Gar ahaan ardeyda jamacada karachi.

ciyaarahan ayaa waxaa marti galinaya( jamacada karachi),iyadoo Kulamada ey kadhacayan garoonka Weyn ee Jamacada karachi.furitaanka ciyaarahan waxaa kasoo qeyb galay islamarkaana kahadley mas’uliyiin kala duwan oo kakala socday Jamacada, Ururka ardeyda somaliyeed ee magaalada karachi, Gudoomiyaha Qaban qabada Tartankaan iyo Dhamaan Tagerayasha koxaxa kaqeyb galayo Tartankaan.

Waxa Munaasabada furitanka Hadalo koban Kasoo jediyey Gudoomiyaha Qaban qabada ciyaaraha.

Iyo Kuxigeynkiisa, isagoo Oo ku amanay sida ardey somaliyed Isku xilqameyn iyo Dadalka Dheriga ah ee mujiyeen isagoo kubooriyey in dadaal kooda sii laba labaan, waxa usheegey gudomiyaha In arintan ukeeni doonto Sumcad Dherad ah Jaliyada somaliyeed ee magalada karachi iyo Guuud ahaan Dalka pakistan.

Iyadoo la’ogyahay In ardeyda ajaanibta ah ee wax kabarata dalkan pakistan ay ugu badan yihiin Ardeyda somaliyed.

Sidoo kale waxa isna halkaa kahadley Gudoomiyaha ardeyda somaliyed ee magalada karachi

Oo siweyn uga amaney Gudiga so qaban qabiyey Tartankan iyo Koxaha Kaqeyb qadanaya, Iyo Tababa rayaasha Kooxaha.Gudomiyaha ayaa waxaa uu kudheradey ahmiyada ey leedahay ciyaraha ceykan oo kala ah,isago shegey in fa’ido ay uno qondoonto Dhalinta ka qeyb qadanaya tartanka mid jereed iyo mid maskaxba waxa waano iyo dardanba ujeediyey coyartowda iyo macalimiinta wadata intaba isagoo sheegey in ey mujiyaan anshax iyo ciyaar wanaag inta ciyaraha eysocdaan.

Waxa sidoo kale halkaasi goobjoog ka ahaa wariyaal ka socday Wabsite-yada somaliyada siiba kuwa kafalooda arimaha sportiga iyo Qaar kamid ah Wargeysyada kasoo baxa Gudaha magalada karachi,

Markii si aad ah loo fiiriyo Jawiga garoonka ay ciyarahan kasocdaan waxa soo buux dhafiyey dadweyno isugu jira somali iyo pakistani,waloow ay intabadan ey dawadayasha u badan yihiin ardeyda Jamcada karachi, Oo oh goobta uu ka socdo Tartankan xiisaha badan ee lagu mamusayoo bisha barakeysan ee Ramadan.Koxaxa ayaa waxa ay usoo bandhigeyn ciyaaro aad farsamadeydu usareyso iyadoo dawadayaasha aad wajiyadoo kadheehan karto sida ay ugu qanacsanyiin qaabka loo soo agaasimaey iyo waliba farsamada kooxaha.

Tartankaan ayaa waxaa yaala koob aad uqurux badan oo loogu tala galey in lagudoonsiiyo kooxdii Nasiibku usaamaxo in ey kugleysato tartankaan.

Waxa sidoo kale Gudiga qaban qabiyey tartankaan Ugu talagaleyn hadiyado kala duwan oo lagudoon siin doono Ciyartooyda ka qeyb qadanaya Tartankaan.

Shaqsiyaad kaas ayaa waxaa soo xulan doona Gudi loo xilsaray Qiimeyta ciyaartoyda iyo koxaha in ta lagu guda jiro ciyaaraha.

Sida Gudiga Mamulayasha Tartankan uu shegay, Waa Tartan Sporti kii ugu weynaa ee nociisa oo kale ah oo Dhawanahan Lagu qabto Karachi,Iyadoo ay usoo dawasho tagaan Intabadan Jaliyada somalida ee magaladan Karachi,Iyo Jaliyadaha kala duwan ee kunool Magaladan.

Kulamada ciyarahan Ayaa waxaa kaqeyb galayo in kabadan 6-koxood oo kala ah.

1)Koxda Samama Team

2)Halgan Team

3)Real stars

4)Koxda Khaliijka

5)Sudan stars

6)Five stars

Kooxaha ayaa loo lakala qeybiyey laba group ayadoo group kastane ey kujiraan Sadax koxood.

Ciyarahan ayaa waxa ay ku bilowdeyn jawi dagan waxaana kulankii Daah furka ciyarahan isku arkey kooxaha kala ah Halgan iyo Khaliijka, labadan koxood ayaa waxaa ay kujiraan group-ka A.

Kulankan Dhaxmarey labadan koxod ayaa waxaa uu ku bilowday Dardar iyo werer iyo werar cilis waloo ay kooxda KHALIIJKA ay aad ugu gacan sareysay biloowgii ciyaarta inkastoo kooxda khaliijka ay marar badan Kubada agmarsiisey Shabaqa kooxda HALGAN.

Lakin Kooxda HALGAN isma ey dhigin ee waxaa ey mujisay dadaal sidii ay isaga caabin la heyda kooxda kale,Qeybtii hore ee ciyaarta ayaa waxaa lagu kala marey 0-0.

Latashiyo kala duwan oo koox waliba dhinaceyda kaso qadatay maclimin tooda ayaa dibloogu soo noqoday ciyaartii qeybtedii labaad.

Koxda qaliijka ayaa waxey dadaal ugashey tidii ay ciyaarta uga dhigi laheyd 1-0.

Lakin taasi waxaa kadiidey kooxda HALGAN ..dhamaad kii ciyaarta oo daqiiqado un kadhin ayaa waxa usura gashay Kooxda khaliijka in ey shabaqa taabsiyaan gubada iyagoo halkaasi si mucjiso ah uga qadatay 3-dii dhibcood oo loo hardamayey.



Khaliijka 1-0 Halgan Sudan stars 0-1 samama

Five star 1-1 Khaliijka Real stars 1-2 samama

Halgan 0-2 Five star Sudan stars 0-0 Real stars

Intii ay ciyaarahan socdeyn runtii waxaa la orankaraa in ay ahayen kuwa xiiso badan xanbarsan ,in kastoo kooxaha ay san kala yareysan lakin waxa siweyn Loga daba dhacay qaabka ay kooxda SAMAMA usoo babdhigtay farsamadeyda ciyaaro.

Waxa samafinalka iskugu soo baxay afar koox oo Kala ah.

1)Samama 2)Real stars 3)khaliijka 4)five stars

Afartaan koox ayaa waxaa ay isku arkeyn sidatan:

Samama 0-0 khaliijka waxaa rigoora tirsi kusoo baxey kooxda samama.

Five star 1-0 raeal stars.

Finalkii ayaa kulmay Koxaha kala ah Five Stars Vs Samama

Runtii ciyaartan ayaa waxa ladhihi karaa waa tii ugu adkey ayadoo Koxda Samama oo caan ka ah Magalada Karachi Ay iska caabin iyo ciyaar layaab leh kala kulatay kooxda Five stars oo sidaa loo aqoon Ay lasoo baxday Ciyaar cajiib,Guud ahaan Qeybtii 1-aad ee ciyaarta ayaa waxa lagu kala marey 0-0 waxaa la iskugu soo laabtey qeybtiilabaad sidoo iyadoo kooxwalba ay isku daydey in aay halkasi gool kadhaliso lakin ciyaartii ayaa waxaa ay kuso dhamatay 0-0, waxaana la isla aday dhina Rigoorayaasha nasiib daro waxa 2-1 kuguuleysatay kooxda Five stars halkaasina ku qadatay Koobkii Aadka u quruxda badnaa,

Xiritaantkii Ciyaaraha ayaa waxaa Gudiga ciyaaraha uu ugu hanbalyey Dadaalka kooxda Five stars iyo ciyaar wanaagii aymuujiyeyn intii uu sucday Kulan ciyaareydka ciyaaraha ramadaanka…..

Halkaasi ayaa ayey kusoo gaba gaboobeyn ciyaarahii Bisha ramadan ee magalada karachi…..

Waxaa soo diyariyey:Mohamed Hussein Abdirahman

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Japanese scientists develop teddy bear-shaped nurse robot

Named RIBA - short for Robot for Interactive Body Assistance - the android was developed by the government-run Riken research institute and could be deployed in hospitals and retirement homes within three years.

"We have developed RIBA because we want to help caregivers when they are required to transfer patients between hospital beds and wheelchairs," said Dr. Toshiharu Mukai, who heads the research team.

Development took two years and the robot is able to lift a weight of 61 kg on its foam padded arms. Covered in a soft skin designed to protect patients, the robot is also able to recognise faces and voices, as well as responding to up to 30 spoken commands.

The battery-powered robot can operate for up to an hour on a single charge and is more agile and stronger than its predecessor, the Ri-man.

Dr Mukai, who declined to reveal how much had been spent on the research, said he had decided to make RIBA resemble a teddy bear because humanoid versions cause unease in people.

Japan faces a twin crisis of the world's most rapidly ageing population, which is increasing the pressure on the health system, as well as a declining birth rate, meaning that fewer workers.

Anticipating a shortfall in staff within the next two decades, many Japanese firms are carrying out research on electronic employees - which have the added bonus of not requiring a wage and being available 24 hours a day.

Dr Mukai said RIBA will undergoing rigorous testing in hospitals over the next three years and could be available commercially in 2012.

Arranged by Mohamed Hussien


You can get Complete information at this wabsite.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Short History of Somalia

Early history traces the development of the Somali people to an Arab sultanate, which was founded in the seventh century A.D. by Koreishite immigrants from Yemen. During the 15th and 16th centuries, Portuguese traders landed in present Somali territory and ruled several coastal towns. The sultan of Oman and Zanzibar subsequently took control of these towns and their surrounding territory.

Somalia's modern history began in the late l9th century, when various European powers began to trade and establish themselves in the area. The British East India Company's desire for unrestricted harbor facilities led to the conclusion of treaties with the sultan of Tajura as early as 1840. It was not until 1886, however, that the British gained control over northern Somalia through treaties with various Somali chiefs who were guaranteed British protection. British objectives centered on safeguarding trade links to the east and securing local sources of food and provisions for its coaling station in Aden. The boundary between Ethiopia and British Somaliland was established in 1897 through treaty negotiations between British negotiators and King Menelik.

During the first two decades of this century, British rule was challenged through persistent attacks led by Mohamed Abdullah. A long series of intermittent engagements and truces ended in 1920 when British warplanes bombed Abdullah's stronghold at Taleex. Although Abdullah was defeated as much by rival Somali factions as by British forces, he was lauded as a popular hero and stands as a major figure of national identity to some Somalis.

In 1885, Italy obtained commercial advantages in the area from the sultan of Zanzibar and in 1889 concluded agreements with the sultans of Obbia and Aluula, who placed their territories under Italy's protection. Between 1897 and 1908, Italy made agreements with the Ethiopians and the British that marked out the boundaries of Italian Somaliland. The Italian Government assumed direct administration, giving the territory colonial status.

Italian occupation gradually extended inland. In 1924, the Jubaland Province of Kenya, including the town and port of Kismayo, was ceded to Italy by the United Kingdom. The subjugation and occupation of the independent sultanates of Obbia and Mijertein, begun in 1925, were completed in 1927. In the late 1920s, Italian and Somali influence expanded into the Ogaden region of eastern Ethiopia. Continuing incursions climaxed in 1935 when Italian forces launched an offensive that led to the capture of Addis Ababa and the Italian annexation of Ethiopia in 1936.

Following Italy's declaration of war on the United Kingdom in June 1940, Italian troops overran British Somaliland and drove out the British garrison. In 1941, British forces began operations against the Italian East African Empire and quickly brought the greater part of Italian Somaliland under British control. From 1941 to 1950, while Somalia was under British military administration, transition toward self-government was begun through the establishment of local courts, planning committees, and the Protectorate Advisory Council. In 1948 Britain turned the Ogaden and neighboring Somali territories over to Ethiopia.

From 1982 to 1990 the United States viewed Somalia as a partner in defense. Somali officers of the National Armed Forces were trained in U.S. military schools in civilian as well as military subjects. Within Somalia, Siad Barre's regime confronted insurgencies in the northeast and northwest, whose aim was to overthrow his government. By 1988, Siad Barre was openly at war with sectors of his nation. At the President's order, aircraft from the Somali National Air Force bombed the cities in the northwest province, attacking civilian as well as insurgent targets. The warfare in the northwest sped up the decay already evident elsewhere in the republic. Economic crisis, brought on by the cost of anti-insurgency activities, caused further hardship as Siad Barre and his cronies looted the national treasury.

By 1990, the insurgency in the northwest was largely successful. The army dissolved into competing armed groups loyal to former commanders or to clan-tribal leaders. The economy was in shambles, and hundreds of thousands of Somalis fled their homes. In 1991, Siad Barre and forces loyal to him fled the capital; he later died in exile in Nigeria. In the same year, Somaliland declared itself independent of the rest of Somalia, with its capital in Hargeisa. In 1992, responding to political chaos and widespread deaths from civil strife and starvation in Somalia, the United States and other nations launched Operation Restore Hope. Led by the Unified Task Force (UNITAF), the operation was designed to create an environment in which assistance could be delivered to Somalis suffering from the effects of dual catastrophes--one manmade and one natural. UNITAF was followed by the United Nations Operation in Somalia (UNOSOM). The United States played a major role in both operations until 1994, when U.S. forces withdrew.

The prevailing chaos in much of Somalia after 1991 contributed to growing influence by various Islamic groups, including al-Tabliq, al-Islah (supported by Saudi Arabia), and Al-Ittihad Al-Islami (Islamic Unity). These groups, which are among the main non-clan-based forces in Somalia, share the goal of establishing an Islamic state. They differ in their approach; in particular, Al-Ittihad supports the use of violence to achieve that goal and has claimed responsibility for terrorist acts. In the mid-1990s, Al-Ittihad came to dominate territory in Puntland as well as central Somalia near Gedo. It was forcibly expelled from these localities by Puntland forces as well as Ethiopian attacks in the Gedo region. Since that time, Al-Ittihad has adopted a longer term strategy based on integration into local communities and establishment of Islamic schools, courts, and relief centers.

After the attack on the United States of September 11, 2001, Somalia gained greater international attention as a possible base for terrorism--a concern that became the primary element in U.S. policy toward Somalia. The United States and other members of the anti-terrorism coalition examined a variety of short- and long-term measures designed to cope with the threat of terrorism in and emanating from Somalia. Economic sanctions were applied to Al-Ittihad and to the Al-Barakaat group of companies, based in Dubai, which conducted currency exchanges and remittances transfers in Somalia. The United Nations also took an increased interest in Somalia, including proposals for an increased UN presence and for strengthening a 1992 arms embargo.All in all The histroy of somali is not Counted here or Writing

N.B:Waxad Hoos Kadawan Kartaa Qaar makid ah Muuqaladii Ciidamadii Xoga dalka somaliyeed Barisamaadkii 1988, Dowladii Madaxweynihii Hore ee maxamed Siyad bare, Allaha Unaxariistee...

Dawasho Wanaagsan Dhamaan Inta wadaniyiinta ah.

Somali National Army Parade 70&80s

Tiknikadii Ciidamadii :Xooga dalka Somalia

Monday, September 28, 2009

Swine flu prevention: tissues, catching germs, vaccination and masks

According to the NHS website , you can protect yourself and your family from swine flu by

  • ensuring everyone washes their hands regularly with soap and water

  • cleaning surfaces regularly

You can prevent a virus spreading to others by:

  • always carrying tissues
  • using tissues to cover your mouth and nose when you cough and sneeze
  • binning the tissues as soon as possible
  • washing your hands regularly

CATCH IT. BIN IT. KILL IT. is a simple way to remember this.

You can also prepare now and in the build-up to a pandemic by:

  • Confirming a network of ‘flu friends’ – friends and relatives – who could help you if you fall ill. They could collect medicines and other supplies for you so you do not have to leave home and possibly spread the virus.
  • Knowing your NHS number and those of other family members and keeping them in a safe place. You will be able to find your NHS Number on your medical card or other items such as prescribed medication, GP letter or hospital appointment card/letter.
  • Having a stock of food and other supplies available at home that will last for two weeks, in case you and your family are ill.


The Health Protection Agency (HPA) recommends that healthcare workers should wear a facemask if they come into close contact with a person with symptoms (within one metre) to reduce their risk of catching the virus from patients.

However, the HPA does not recommend that healthy people wear facemasks to go about their everyday business.

Why shouldn't the general public wear facemasks?

Because there’s no conclusive evidence that facemasks will protect healthy people in their day-to-day lives.

The virus is spread by picking up the virus from touching infected surfaces, or by someone coughing or sneezing at very close range – so unless you are standing close to someone with the virus, wearing a facemask will not make a difference.

There are concer

ns about the risks posed by not using facemasks correctly.

Facemasks must be changed regularly as they are less effective when dampened by a person’s breath. People may infect themselves if they touch the outer surface of their mask, or may infect others by not disposing of old masks safely.

Finally, wearing a facemask may encourage complacency. People need to focus on good hand hygiene, staying at home if they are feeling unwell, and covering their mouth when they cough or sneeze.


A vaccine to prote

ct against swine flu is being developed, but it is not available yet.

The first batches of vaccine are expected to arrive in the autumn, and 30 million double doses – enough for half the population – are expected to be available by the end of the year.

The government has ordered enough vaccine for the whole population and, when it becomes available, will focus on those at the greatest risk first

look at more information this link..


Arranged by moha Hussien

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Ciid Wanagsan Dhamaan Umada Somaliyeed.

Ciid Wanaagsan Dhamaan Shacabka Soomaaliyeed meel Walbo ay Joogaan iyo Waliba Dhamaan Muslimiinta oo Dhan.
Waxan Ilaah Kabaryeynaa in Uu naga Aqbalo Sonkii aan soo sonay Iyo cibadii Intii Lagu guda jirey Busha barakeysan Ee ramadan, waxan Sidoo kale ilaah uga baryeynaa in Umada Somaliyeed Uu ka dulqado Dhinka Heysto Uguna badalo Nabad iyo Barwaaqo, Insha Allah

Hallaan ka dhagayso Heesta Cidda

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


asc wr wb walaalayaal hadii ay idin soo gaadho war qadan isku daya in aad dhaqan galisaan waxa ay xanbaarsantahay ee ah isku baraarujinta habeenka fadliga badan ee ay inaga xigto tobankaa habeen ee uu ku dhexjiro sadex habeen inshaa alaahu waan liibaanaynaaye 7_09_2009 muxaadarooyinki hore waxay ku jiraan bogan ee walaal halkan riixhttp://sites.google.com/site/xudayfi5/

Laylatul qadri iyo fadliga ay ledahay

ale waxaa uu leyahay fiisuurati al qadri
waaxan soodajinay quraanka habeenka laylatul qadiriga dhexdiisa;; habeenkaasina waa habeen ka fadli badan kun bilood ;; habeenkaas waxaa soo dagaysa malaa_igta iyo malaku jibriil waxayna kusoo dagayaan idin alle iyo arinkasta oo la xukmiyay( waxwalba oo uu alle qadaray ) habeenkasi waa nabad galyo ilaa uu ka baryayo waagu ( kasoo baxayso qoraxdu)
hadaba maxuu samayn jiray rasuulku scw tobanka danbe ee ramadaanka?
1-waxaa u ahaa rasuulku scw marka uu soo galo tobanka danbe e ramadaan mid guntiga adkaysta habeenkana noleya(sojeda)dadkiisa(xaasaskiisana) toosiya(kiciya) si ay u cibaadeeystaan (متفق عتيه)
2-waxaa uu yiri rasuulku scw qofkii kaca (salaad ukaca)habeenka laylatu qadriga asago rumaysan in uu helaayo ajir ajirna xisaabsanaya waxaa loodhafa danbigiisii hor (waa wixii danbi yar ah ee uu galo oo dhan amaa kan wayn wuxu u baahan yahay toobokoon sida ku cad axaadiis kale oo laga waryay rasuulks scw)
3-waxaa uu dhahay rasuulku scw ka raadiya laylatu qadriga tirada is dheer ee tobanka danbe ee ramadanka (21,23,25,27,29)(waxa wariyay bukhari)
4-caa,isha ayaa waxay ku tiri rasuulka scw hadii aan la kulmo laylatu qadriga maxaan ku ducaystaa waxaa uu ku dhahay rasuulku scw dheh (allaahuma inaka cafuwun tuxibul cafwa facfu canii) saxiix ( rawahu tirmidi)

Hadaba suuradas iyo axaadiistaas maxanu ka fa
idaysanayna oo la nooga baahan yahay in aan samayno

1- habeenkaas hadii alle ku waa fajiyo waxaad helaysaa ajir aada hesheen 83sano sababto ah kunka bilood ee uu alle ku sheegay suurada marki la xisaabiyo waxay u dhigmaan 83sano
2- hadii ay ku dhaafto waxaad tahay qof khasaaray halisna waxaad u tahay in aad kamid noqotid kuwii uu habaaray malaku jibril ee uu dhahay alle naarta haku fogeeyo qof uu udhashay ramadaan hadana uu ka dhamaaday asagoo loo danbi dhaafin rasuulkuna scw waxaa uu gadaashiisa dhahay amiin
3-tobanka danbe waa tobanka uu alle ka xoreeyo naarta adoomadiisa fiifiican marka hadaad ku dadaashid tobankaas waxaad ka mid noqon kuwa naarta laga xoreeyay
4- waa habeen barakaysan oo alle uu soo dajiyay quraanka waana habeenka arinkasta oo alle uu xukumay la kala saaraayo sida qofkii la qadaray in u dhinto sanadkaas dhexdiisa la xukumo waqtiga u dhimanaayo kii dhalan lahaana la qoro
5 waxaa u ahaan jiray rasuulku scw mid ku dadaala in uu tobankaas habeen ku soo jeedo cibaado iyo salaad iyo duco isago aan ognahay in ladhaafaay danbigiisii hore iyo kiisii danbe waxaana uu ku dhahay caa,isho miyaana noqonaynin adoon ku mahadiya rabigiis marka inaga oo ka samaysan danbi maxaa uu noqon xaalkeenu sow in aan dadaalno ma ahan
6- hadii alle ku waa fajiyo habeenkaas waxaad noqon qof la dhaafay danbigiisii hore o dhan (danbiga yar ayaa laga wada )amaa kanwayn waxaa uu ubaahan yahay towbo

side ayaan ku haleeli karaa habeenkaas
1- waa in aad isku daydid in aad tobankaas habeen oo dhan habeena ku dhaafin o aad ka tagtid hordo o dhan hadii kale ma halelaysid ajirkaas wayn ina seexo ina tuko
2- hana isku dayin in aad alle khiyaantid oo habeenada is dhafka ah kaliya aad tugatid sababto ah kheyru khalqilahigiiba(rasuulka scw) waligiis ma uusan isku dayin xeeladaas mana ogid habeenka ay noqon marka kuli wada tuko
3- hana ku kadsoomin (haku sirmin hadalka) culumada qarkooda iftoonayaan in uu yahay habeenkaasi habeenka 27 ama 25 kaliya waana dhaqan laga yaqaano shaam o dhan
wax axadiis ah oo ku yimid(ku soo arooray) ma jiro axaadista saxiixa ahi waxaysheegi in tiro is dheer uu kujiro habeenkaasi iyo tobanka danbe

hadii an haleelo(helo) habeenkaas side ayaan u cibaadaysan karaa
1 aamin(rumeyso) in uu yahay hadalka rasuulku mid sax ah oo fadligaas ay leedahay cibaadadaduna hanoqoto mid alle dartiis loola jeedo
2. isku day in aad tukatid salaatu leyl kolna aad aqrisid quraan badan
3- iyo in aad ku ducaysatid ducadii uu rasuulku u sheegay caa,isho ee aan kor kusoo qoray
4- in aad aqrinta quraanka badisid
5- kana dherow kaftanka iyo wixii danbi keenaya oo dhan
6- hana u malayn in uu yahay qasadku(ula jeedadu) salaad basa oo hadaadan tukanin aadan helaynin ajirka ee marna tuko markad daashid u fariiso quraan marna ducayso ilaa uu waagu ka baryayo

sidee habeenkaas lagu garankaraa

waxaa lagu gartaa habeenkaas waa habeen dagan lamana maqlaayo cida (qaylada) dameerka iyo ayga oo dameeraha iyo ayda oo dhami way aa musayaan cirkuna waxaa uu noqon safi (daruur la,aan) subaxdiina jawigu waxaa uu u ekaan sidi roob in uu da,ay
hadba walaal waxaan kaa codsanayaa in aadan halmaanin in aad u ducayso dalkena somaliya e ku jira gumaysiga in alle ka saaro iyo in muslimiinta alle ka dhigo kor quluubtodana isku soo duwo cizigii muslimiinta alle soo celiyo waa walaal kaa o muslim ah walaal wixii talo iyo fikir ah halkan iigu soo hagaaji xudayfi5@hotmail.com asc wr wb



Posted By: mohamed Hussien

Friday, September 11, 2009

World's oldest person dies in Los Angeles at 115

LOS ANGELES – Although she liked her bacon crispy and her chicken fried, she never drank, smoked or fooled around, Gertrude Baines once said, describing a life that lasted an astonishing 115 years and earned her the title of oldest person on the planet.

It was a title Baines quietly relinquished Friday when she died in her sleep at Western Convalescent Hospital, her home since she gave up living alone at age 107 after breaking a hip.

She likely suffered a heart attack, said her longtime physician, Dr. Charles Witt, although an autopsy was scheduled to determine the exact cause of death.

"I saw her two days ago, and she was just doing fine," Witt told The Associated Press on Friday. "She was in excellent shape. She was mentally alert. She smiled frequently."

Baines was born in Shellman, Ga., on April 6, 1894, when Grover Cleveland was in the White House, radio communication was just being developed and television was still more than a half-century from becoming a ubiquitous household presence.

She was 4 years old when the Spanish-American War broke out and 9 when the first World Series was played. She had already reached middle age by the time the U.S. entered World War II in 1941.

Throughout it all, Baines said last year, it was a life she thoroughly enjoyed.

"I'm glad I'm here. I don't care if I live a hundred more," she said with a hearty laugh after casting her vote for Barack Obama for president. "I enjoy nothing but eating and sleeping."

Her vote for Obama, she added, had helped fulfill a lifelong dream of seeing a black man elected president.

"We all the same, only our skin is dark and theirs is white," said Baines, who was black.

The centenarian, who worked as a maid at Ohio State University dormitories until her retirement, had outlived all of her family members. Her only daughter died of typhoid at age 18.

In her final years, she passed her days watching her favorite TV program, "The Jerry Springer Show," and consuming her favorite foods: bacon, fried chicken and ice cream. She complained often, however, that the bacon served to her was too soft.

"Two days ago, when I saw her, she was talking about the fact that the bacon wasn't crisp enough, that it was soggy," Witt said.

She became the world's oldest person in January when Maria de Jesus died in Portugal at 115.

The title brought with it a spotlight of attention, and Baines was asked frequently about the secret to a long life. She shrugged off such questions, telling people to ask God instead.

"She told me that she owes her longevity to the Lord, that she never did drink, she never did smoke and she never did fool around," Witt said at a party marking her 115th birthday.

At the party, Baines sat quietly, paying little attention as nursing home staffers and residents sang "Happy Birthday" and presented congratulatory notices from Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sen. Dianne Feinstein and others. But she laughed when told the Los Angeles Dodgers had given her a cooler filled with hot dogs.

With Baines' death, 114-year-old Kama Chinen of Japan becomes the world's oldest person, said Dr. L. Stephen Coles of the Gerontology Research Group, which tracks claims of extreme old age. Chinen was born May 10, 1895.

The oldest person who ever lived, Coles said, was Jeanne-Louise Calment, who was 122 when she died Aug. 4, 1997, in Arles, France.


Associated Press.(AP)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ciyaaraha Bisha Ramadan ee Magalada Karachi.

Waxa tariiqdu markey aheyd 5-ta bishan Ramadan si rasmi ah uga bilowday magalada karachi ee dalka pakistan ciyaaro lagu mamusaya bisha ramadan, ciyarahaan ayaa waxa soo qaban qabiyey ama soo abaabuley ardeyda

somaliyed ee wax kabarata jamacadaha kala duwan ee magaladan karachi Gar ahaan ardeyda jamacada karachi.

ciyaarahan ayaa waxaa marti galinaya( jamacada karachi),iyadoo Kulamada ey kadhacayan garoonka Weyn ee Jamacada karachi.furitaanka ciyaarahan waxaa kasoo qeyb galay islamarkaana kahadley mas’uliyiin kala duwan oo kakala socday Jamacada, Ururka ardeyda somaliyeed ee magaalada karachi, Gudoomiyaha Qaban qabada Tartankaan iyo Dhamaan Tagerayasha koxaxa kaqeyb galayo Tartankaan.

Waxa Munaasabada furitanka Hadalo koban Kasoo jediyey Gudoomiyaha Qaban qabada ciyaaraha.

Iyo Kuxigeynkiisa, isagoo Oo ku amanay sida ardey somaliyed Isku xilqameyn iyo Dadalka Dheriga ah ee mujiyeen isagoo kubooriyey in dadaal kooda sii laba labaan, waxa usheegey gudomiyaha In arintan ukeeni doonto Sumcad Dherad ah Jaliyada somaliyeed ee magalada karachi iyo Guuud ahaan Dalka pakistan.

Iyadoo la’ogyahay In ardeyda ajaanibta ah ee wax kabarata dalkan pakistan ay ugu badan yihiin Ardeyda somaliyed.

Sidoo kale waxa isna halkaa kahadley Gudoomiyaha ardeyda somaliyed ee magalada karachi

Oo siweyn uga amaney Gudiga so qaban qabiyey Tartankan iyo Koxaha Kaqeyb qadanaya, Iyo Tababa rayaasha Kooxaha.Gudomiyaha ayaa waxaa uu kudheradey ahmiyada ey leedahay ciyaraha ceykan oo kala ah,isago shegey in fa’ido ay uno qondoonto Dhalinta ka qeyb qadanaya tartanka mid jereed iyo mid maskaxba waxa waano iyo dardanba ujeediyey coyartowda iyo macalimiinta wadata intaba isagoo sheegey in ey mujiyaan anshax iyo ciyaar wanaag inta ciyaraha eysocdaan.

Waxa sidoo kale halkaasi goobjoog ka ahaa wariyaal ka socday Wabsite-yada somaliyada siiba kuwa kafalooda arimaha sportiga iyo Qaar kamid ah Wargeysyada kasoo baxa Gudaha magalada karachi,

Markii si aad ah loo fiiriyo Jawiga garoonka ay ciyarahan kasocdaan waxa soo buux dhafiyey dadweyno isugu jira somali iyo pakistani,waloow ay intabadan ey dawadayasha u badan yihiin ardeyda Jamcada karachi, Oo oh goobta uu ka socdo Tartankan xiisaha badan ee lagu mamusayoo bisha barakeysan ee Ramadan.Koxaxa ayaa waxa ay usoo bandhigeyn ciyaaro aad farsamadeydu usareyso iyadoo dawadayaasha aad wajiyadoo kadheehan karto sida ay ugu qanacsanyiin qaabka loo soo agaasimaey iyo waliba farsamada kooxaha.

Tartankaan ayaa waxaa yaala koob aad uqurux badan oo loogu tala galey in lagudoonsiiyo kooxdii Nasiibku usaamaxo in ey kugleysato tartankaan.

Waxa sidoo kale Gudiga qaban qabiyey tartankaan Ugu talagaleyn hadiyado kala duwan oo lagudoon siin doono Ciyartooyda ka qeyb qadanaya Tartankaan.

Shaqsiyaad kaas ayaa waxaa soo xulan doona Gudi loo xilsaray Qiimeyta ciyaartoyda iyo koxaha in ta lagu guda jiro ciyaaraha.

Sida Gudiga Mamulayasha Tartankan uu shegay, Waa Tartan Sporti kii ugu weynaa ee nociisa oo kale ah oo Dhawanahan Lagu qabto Karachi,Iyadoo ay usoo dawasho tagaan Intabadan Jaliyada somalida ee magaladan Karachi,Iyo Jaliyadaha kala duwan ee kunool Magaladan.

Kulamada ciyarahan Ayaa waxaa kaqeyb galayo in kabadan 6-koxood oo kala ah.

1)Koxda Samama Team

2)Halgan Team

3)Real stars

4)Koxda Khaliijka

5)Sudan stars

6)Five stars

Kooxaha ayaa loo lakala qeybiyey laba group ayadoo group kastane ey kujiraan Sadax koxood.

Ciyarahan ayaa waxa ay ku bilowdeyn jawi dagan waxaana kulankii Daah furka ciyarahan isku arkey kooxaha kala ah Halgan iyo Khaliijka, labadan koxood ayaa waxaa ay kujiraan group-ka A.

Kulankan Dhaxmarey labadan koxod ayaa waxaa uu ku bilowday Dardar iyo werer iyo werar cilis waloo ay kooxda KHALIIJKA ay aad ugu gacan sareysay biloowgii ciyaarta inkastoo kooxda khaliijka ay marar badan Kubada agmarsiisey Shabaqa kooxda HALGAN.

Lakin Kooxda HALGAN isma ey dhigin ee waxaa ey mujisay dadaal sidii ay isaga caabin la heyda kooxda kale,Qeybtii hore ee ciyaarta ayaa waxaa lagu kala marey 0-0.

Latashiyo kala duwan oo koox waliba dhinaceyda kaso qadatay maclimin tooda ayaa dibloogu soo noqoday ciyaartii qeybtedii labaad.

Koxda qaliijka ayaa waxey dadaal ugashey tidii ay ciyaarta uga dhigi laheyd 1-0.

Lakin taasi waxaa kadiidey kooxda HALGAN ..dhamaad kii ciyaarta oo daqiiqado un kadhin ayaa waxa usura gashay Kooxda khaliijka in ey shabaqa taabsiyaan gubada iyagoo halkaasi si mucjiso ah uga qadatay 3-dii dhibcood oo loo hardamayey.



Khaliijka 1-0 Halgan Sudan stars 0-1 samama

Five star 1-1 Khaliijka Real stars 1-2 samama

Halgan 0-2 Five star Sudan stars 0-0 Real stars

Intii ay ciyaarahan socdeyn runtii waxaa la orankaraa in ay ahayen kuwa xiiso badan xanbarsan ,in kastoo kooxaha ay san kala yareysan lakin waxa siweyn Loga daba dhacay qaabka ay kooxda SAMAMA usoo babdhigtay farsamadeyda ciyaaro.

Waxa samafinalka iskugu soo baxay afar koox oo Kala ah.

1)Samama 2)Real stars 3)khaliijka 4)five stars

Afartaan koox ayaa waxaa ay isku arkeyn sidatan:

Samama 0-0 khaliijka waxaa rigoora tirsi kusoo baxey kooxda samama.

Five star 1-0 raeal stars.

Finalkii ayaa kulmay Koxaha kala ah Five Stars Vs Samama

Runtii ciyaartan ayaa waxa ladhihi karaa waa tii ugu adkey ayadoo Koxda Samama oo caan ka ah Magalada Karachi Ay iska caabin iyo ciyaar layaab leh kala kulatay kooxda Five stars oo sidaa loo aqoon Ay lasoo baxday Ciyaar cajiib,Guud ahaan Qeybtii 1-aad ee ciyaarta ayaa waxa lagu kala marey 0-0 waxaa la iskugu soo laabtey qeybtiilabaad sidoo iyadoo kooxwalba ay isku daydey in aay halkasi gool kadhaliso lakin ciyaartii ayaa waxaa ay kuso dhamatay 0-0, waxaana la isla aday dhina Rigoorayaasha nasiib daro waxa 2-1 kuguuleysatay kooxda Five stars halkaasina ku qadatay Koobkii Aadka u quruxda badnaa,

Xiritaantkii Ciyaaraha ayaa waxaa Gudiga ciyaaraha uu ugu hanbalyey Dadaalka kooxda Five stars iyo ciyaar wanaagii aymuujiyeyn intii uu sucday Kulan ciyaareydka ciyaaraha ramadaanka…..

Halkaasi ayaa ayey kusoo gaba gaboobeyn ciyaarahii Bisha ramadan ee magalada karachi…..

Waxaa soo diyariyey:Mohamed Hussein Abdirahman

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Japanese scientists develop teddy bear-shaped nurse robot

Named RIBA - short for Robot for Interactive Body Assistance - the android was developed by the government-run Riken research institute and could be deployed in hospitals and retirement homes within three years.

"We have developed RIBA because we want to help caregivers when they are required to transfer patients between hospital beds and wheelchairs," said Dr. Toshiharu Mukai, who heads the research team.

Development took two years and the robot is able to lift a weight of 61 kg on its foam padded arms. Covered in a soft skin designed to protect patients, the robot is also able to recognise faces and voices, as well as responding to up to 30 spoken commands.

The battery-powered robot can operate for up to an hour on a single charge and is more agile and stronger than its predecessor, the Ri-man.

Dr Mukai, who declined to reveal how much had been spent on the research, said he had decided to make RIBA resemble a teddy bear because humanoid versions cause unease in people.

Japan faces a twin crisis of the world's most rapidly ageing population, which is increasing the pressure on the health system, as well as a declining birth rate, meaning that fewer workers.

Anticipating a shortfall in staff within the next two decades, many Japanese firms are carrying out research on electronic employees - which have the added bonus of not requiring a wage and being available 24 hours a day.

Dr Mukai said RIBA will undergoing rigorous testing in hospitals over the next three years and could be available commercially in 2012.

Arranged by Mohamed Hussien


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